Tag: Film
Parasite and Capitalism: What the Film Says About the Pursuit of Wealth
Bong Joon Ho’s masterpiece, Parasite (2019) became one of the few international films to break into the American mainstream.
Have a Good Trip: Netflix Takes You on an Adventure Into the Reality of Psychedelics
Have a Good Trip offers a rather balanced look at psychedelic use. While its main narrative is the stories of recreational use by celebrities, it does delve into the medical history of psychedelics and its use in psychotherapy.
The Lighthouse Review: An Unnerving, Subtle Horror
The Lighthouse is patient and hypnotic, pulling us in with its mysterious atmosphere and characters. The film’s slow pace proves to be monumentally effective, showcasing the tedious nature that comes with isolation and poor two-way communication.
“Fleabag” is Ridden With Exceptional Writing and Great Performances
Shortly after season two of Fleabag dropped on Amazon Prime in 2019, Barack Obama put it on his list as one of his favorite television series of the year.
Outbreak: What This Week May Look Like During COVID-19
Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion is a fan-favorite, as are some of the more science fiction angled movies like 28 Days Later or World War Z. I recently watched the 1995 Wolfgang Peterson-directed movie, Outbreak for the first time, which is currently available on Netflix.
Victory and Sobriety: Ben Affleck Makes “The Way Back” Personal
Ben Affleck leads The Way Back, a seemingly cathartic film for him after the actor’s recent bouts with alcoholism and rehab. He plays Jack, a man fighting his own battles who happens upon coaching a boys’ basketball team, the same team he once played for back in high school.
‘Meander’: A Film About Mental Health With a Touch of Gore
Meander, released in 2021, is a French gory horror film featuring a woman trapped in small spaces as she fights for her life, paralleling real pandemic life.
‘Synchronic’: An Accelerated Time Travel That Could Have Been Great
“Synchronic” is special, but it doesn’t succeed in achieving all the objectives it aims for. The film is a science fiction oeuvre which tries to be cerebral at some points, although the original idea is interesting, it only accomplishes to talk about some serious matters superficially.