Tag: POC

  • Mixed-Race Passing: An Actress’s Life Mirrored in “Imitation of Life”

    Mixed-Race Passing: An Actress’s Life Mirrored in “Imitation of Life”

    White audiences saw Peola’s mixed-race passing as a Black woman’s struggle to be white. Black audiences saw it as the rebellion of a Black woman trying to gain privileges only given to white people.

  • Why DEH should have Gone POC

    Why DEH should have Gone POC

    The gentle, emotional nuances of Evan’s coming-of-age story would have been so beneficial to have incorporated into the life of a POC character. Showing a Black, Asian or Latino young man that is afforded the space to be vulnerable, flawed and sensitive while driving a compelling and widely-loved narrative would have been a game changer.

  • ‘Minari’: Authenticity Without The Trauma Porn

    ‘Minari’: Authenticity Without The Trauma Porn

    When diverse representation is featured on-screen, it oftentimes comes with strings attached that undermine the message they were trying to send. This can be attributed to the fact that behind-the-screen, the industry primarily does not reflect the breadth of diverse difference that is present in daily life. That’s why when something as powerful and authentic…

  • Review: ‘Sylvie’s Love’ is Beautiful in its Simplicity

    Review: ‘Sylvie’s Love’ is Beautiful in its Simplicity

    Originally posted January 6, 2021 In a year full of fear, uncertainty, and tragedy, romantics have had little to celebrate, and so the timeless love story depicted in Sylvie’s Love, (released December 23) rounded out the year with a hopefulness 2020 rarely delivered. Minor spoilers ahead! The year is 1957, and newly-engaged Sylvie (Tessa Thompson) is…